iBible C5 Integrated Bible Study
Unlocking the Bible (Old and New Testaments)
Taking an overview of the unique story of God’s relationship with his people, Unlocking the Bible gives a real sense of the sweep of biblical history and its implications for our lives.
This book is a unique overview of both the Old and New Testaments, from the widely respected evangelical speaker and writer, David Pawson, Unlocking the Bible opens up the Word of God in a fresh and powerful way. Avoiding the small detail of verse-by-verse studies, it sets out the epic story of God and his people in Israel. The culture, historical background, and people are introduced, and the teaching applied to the modern world.
Watch David talking about the book here.
UtB now available with the different Bible translations
大衛鮑森牧師 - 新舊約概論
高齡八旬神的老僕人-大衛鮑森牧師,生於1930年,係英國當代之聖經權威教師,篤信聖經為上帝的話語,無誤無謬,故畢生之研經與教學,均以此信念為本。每遇教會傳統與聖經教導相牴觸之時,必主張回歸聖經。 大衛鮑森牧師從不避諱提出異於其他基督徒的觀點,非為特立獨行,只為捍衛聖經真理。
C5 - UtB + ESV
Contents:UtB Integrated with English Standard Version,English Standard Version,Devotion - Morning+Evening,200 Hymns+FavoritesUnlocking the Bible (UtB) Integrated (chronological) - the layout follows c..
C5 - UtB + KJVD
Contents:UtB Integrated with KJVD,KJV Dramatized,Devotion - Morning+Evening,200 Hymns+FavoritesUnlocking the Bible (UtB) Integrated (chronological) - the layout follows closely with the printed b..
C5 - UtB + KJVV
Contents:UtB Integrated with KJVV,KJV Voice,Devotion - Morning+Evening,200 Hymns+FavoritesUnlocking the Bible (UtB) Integrated (chronological) - the layout follows closely with the printed book i..
C5 - UtB + NLT
Contents:UtB Integrated with NLT,New Living Translation,Devotion - Morning+Evening,200 Hymns+FavoritesUnlocking the Bible (UtB) Integrated (chronological) - the layout follows closely with the pr..
C5 - UtB + CUV 大卫鲍森新旧约纵览+和合本新旧约圣经
Contents/內容:UtB Integrated with CUV (解說聖經─大衛鮑森新舊約縱覽(按時間順序),Chinese Union Version 聖經 (66 書) - 聖經和合本,Streams in the desert 荒漠甘泉 (366 days) ,Chinese Hymns 红本新编赞美诗 (442)Unlocking the B..
C5 - UtB + CNV 大卫鲍森新旧约纵览+新譯本新旧约圣经
Contents/內容:UtB Integrated with CNV 解說聖經─大衛鮑森新舊約縱覽(按時間順序),Chinese New Version 聖經 (66 書) - 聖經新譯本,Streams in the desert 荒漠甘泉 (366 days) ,Chinese Hymns 红本新编赞美诗 (442)Unlocking th..
C5 - UtB + CCB 大卫鲍森新旧约纵览+當代譯本新旧约圣经
Contents/內容:UtB Integrated with CCB (解說聖經─大衛鮑森新舊約縱覽(按時間順序),Chinese Contemporary Bible 聖經 (66 書) - 聖經當代譯本,Streams in the desert 荒漠甘泉 (366 days) ,Chinese Hymns 红本新编赞美诗 (442)Unlocking..